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Edastame siinkohal FEI-st tulnud info uuenenud dopinguvastaste reeglite kohta.

Dear National Federations,

The updated FEI Equine Anti-Doping and Controlled Medication Regulations effective as of 1 January 2019, as approved by the last FEI General Assembly, will have an important impact on the endurance discipline. An automatic provisional suspension of the registered trainers in banned substance cases and in cases with two or more controlled medication substances has been implemented since then. This will not only effect the trainers themselves but will also have an indirect impact on athletes, owners and other support personnel.

The athlete remains the person responsible for the rule violation and a provisional suspension and other applicable sanctions will be imposed accordingly, as it was already established with the previous rules.

In light of the rule changes, we have prepared the enclosed letter with the most essential “need-to-know” information for registered trainers in the endurance discipline. We kindly ask you to forward this to them at your earliest convenience. Please feel free to share it as well with the athletes, owners, support personnel and other members of the endurance community so that they can also familiarise themselves with the changes.

Should you have any questions please contact Anna Thorstenson at Anna.Thorstenson@fei.org or Ana Kricej at Ana.Kricej@fei.org.



Lausanne, January 2019

Dear Endurance Trainers,
On 1 January 2019 significant changes to the FEI Equine Anti-Doping and Controlled Medication Rules (EADCMRs) came into force. These changes have a big impact in particular on the endurance community. Here’s what you need to know about them.
1. In the event of a positive case for a Banned Substance found in a Horse’s sample for which you are the registered Trainer you will be automatically provisionally suspended. The Athlete, remaining the Person Responsible, will be automatically provisionally suspended as was the situation under the previous rules.
2. In the event of a positive case for two or more Controlled Medication Substances found in a Horse’s sample for which you are the registered Trainer you will be automatically provisionally suspended. The Athlete, remaining the Person Responsible, will be automatically provisionally suspended as was the situation under the previous rules.
3. In the event of a positive case for one Controlled Medication Substance found in a Horse’s sample for which you are the registered Trainer you will be provisionally suspended if you have a pending and/or prior violation of the EADCMRs. A prior violation is a violation of the Equine Controlled Medication Rules within the last four (4) years or a previous violation of the Equine Anti-Doping Rules within the last ten (10) years involving the same Horse or another Horse trained by you.
4. In certain cases, where the provisional suspension is not mandatory, for example in Specified Substance cases, the FEI will impose a provisional suspension on you only if the FEI imposes a provisional suspension on the Athlete.
5. If you are provisionally suspended or subject to the legal process under the EADCMRs, you have the right to be heard and to request a hearing, just like the Athlete or the Owner has.
6. You cannot train any CENs or CEIs Horses during your period of suspension.
7. You cannot have any Horses for which you are the registered trainer entered in CENs or CEIs during your period of suspension.
8. You cannot have any Horses that are under your direct or indirect care entered in CENs or CEIs during your period of suspension.
The rule changes were drafted to address the peculiarity of the Endurance Discipline where the preparation of the Horse for Events is usually managed by the registered Trainer. The new rules are already in effect – so make sure that you familiarize yourself with them in order to avoid positive cases. You can find them here.
The FEI Legal Department is available to answer any questions you might have. In case of a query please contact Anna Thorstenson at Anna.Thorstenson@fei.org or Ana Kricej at Ana.Kricej@fei.org.

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